This project associating GRAME (Lyon) and DAC (Taipei) to the composer Roque Rivas and choreographer Shang-Shi Sun allows the dancers to interact with sound and visual materials.
Amplifying the movement, «increasing it» is something that has always concerned the choreographers, composers, dancers and musicians. GRAME went on this research for several years in the field of music, dance and multlmedia productions, as well as visual and sound installations. «The tool sensor» is developed in the context of artistic (musical, dance...) reflexion. These projects and realizations change the boundaries between music and dance : for example, the body of the musician and of the dancer is confused, until the change of roles. This 30 minute project is based on «3D angular tracking» of the performers gestures. We can describe the term of « Instrumental scenography » thanks to the idea of composing a scenographic space made of movements captation transformed to sound and visual productions.
The title Threads has a double meaning. First it evokes a series of threads composing a sound cloth, slowly evolving in time. Then a computer notion about two or several actions progressing in parallel.
From these concepts, the show is built with gestures looking like sinusoids or waves, made of several sound threads , that will transform its inner architecture through various process. Two dancers are situated inside that architecture, interlacing their movements and stimulated by the rhythm and the sound energy evolution. The organic aspect of music, from time to time smooth and floating, or intense and pulsative, increases the physical dynamics of movements.
In Threads the links between dance, music and video have been redefined. The dancers, logged on through the gesture sensors, create a new corpus : an interactive space corpus. The stage is no longer a space where an action occurs, but now includes the action and the musical expressivity through the movement.It becomes an echo and an extension to the human body. As in an organic process, the dancers’ movements sculpt the sounds, make them proliferate and broadcast them into the space. Even more powerful than in the frame of an exhibition, their movements and feelings are the focus, the origin and the receiver of that environment.
Threads is thus presented as a fascinating dialog between the body and technology in a work that brings out how ambiguous the relations between the arts can be."
Composer Roque Rivas
Choreography Shang-Shi Sun
Stage & technology Christophe Lebreton
Danse Ruben Reniers, Annapaola Leso
Light Hans Fründt
Video Ting Hao Yeh, Chien-Chao Wang
A production by GRAME, National Centre for Contemporary Music, Lyon and DAC, Digital Art Centre, Taipei
June 17th 2014 | Threads + Traverse | Enghiens (F), Festival Bains Numériques
March 15th 2014 | Threads | Biennale Musiques en Scène, ENSATT, Lyon (F)
November 22nd to 23rd 2013 | Threads | 8th Digital Performing Arts Taipei (TW)
Trailer Threads