Inspired by the effervescent creativity of the early 20th Century and its sinuous curves, Shang-Chi Sun brings musicians and dancers together in museum spaces to create a modern interpretation of this fascinating period. Debussy's Préludes serves as a reference and bridge to the times before 1914.
The years before World War I in Europe are characterized by a reinvention of art: dance, music, and visual arts experienced an exciting, creative time that is perceived now as a revolution. These were the beginnings of modern art, their sequels continue into our time. Many at that time were scandalized. The art of this period experienced a powerful struggle with norms and social constraints, and led to the founding of utopian societies and new forms of cohabitation. The different art forms interpenetrated each other, and they pursued not only aesthetic goals but were seen as part of human life.
"Transit in Preludes" is a dialogue between music and dance. In it Shang-Chi Sun uses the unusual setting of museums and art galleries to stage a counterpoint to the spirit of the place. The work is equally fragile and lively as the company evokes colors and emotions linked to the creative experiences of another century.
This piece was first performed at Bröhan Museum Berlin in August 2014.
Direction/Choreography Shang-Chi Sun
Music Claude Debussy, Préludes (Wei Chen, piano)
Performance/Choreography Annapaola Leso, Ross Martinson, David Essing, Samuel Denton
Light design/Stage version Jens Siewert
Photo Emmanuele Contini, Angélique Préau
Warmly thanks to Annette Spitzlay.
With friendly support by Bröhan Museum Berlin and Annette Spitzlay.
July 01st 2015 | Transit in Préludes | fabrik Potsdam (D)
August 28th 2014 | Transit in Préludes | Bröhan Museum, Berlin (D)